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Career Planning and Rehabilitation–I (3718)


(Units: 1–5)

Q. 1   What is career education? Discuss the barriers in implementation of career education program in school.  How the handicapped people coop in the outside world?                                                 (20)

Q. 2   How people choose their careers? Discuss the theoretical perspective of career development in the light of Holland’s theory.                                                                                                          (20)

Q. 3   a)      Explain the development of communication skills.                                    (10)
         b)      Describe dual -track model of career counseling strategies.                     (10)

Q. 4   Describe the procedures of career assessment and career decision making.  How is CDM-R applied for students with special needs?                                                                                               (20)

Q. 5  Give a detailed account on employ ability plan.                                                 (20)

(Units: 6–9)
Total Marks: 100                                                                              Pass Marks: 50

Q. 1   Discuss the need of transition planning for handicapped children. Explain transition services and guiding principles.     (20)

Q. 2   How is self awareness promoted among handicapped individuals?                     (20)

Q. 3   Highlight the characteristics of differential levels clients.  Describe the counseling strategies used for each level clients.         (20)

Q. 4   How are disabled people vocationally rehabilitate? Explain the role of rehabilitation professionals in vocational assessment and training.                                                                                                   (20)

Q.     Write notes on the following:
         a)      Job search                                                                                            (10)
         b)      Self esteem                                                                                          (10)


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