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5569-Management and Organization


(Department of Business Administration)
Commonwealth of Learning Executive MBA/MPA Programme



(a)     All written assignment must be well organized, presented in an easy-to-read format, and neat. If your handwriting is not legible, type or compose the written assignment. Moreover, pay particularly close attention to grammar, spelling punctuation and understandability. Communication is extremely important in this course.
(b)     Documentation is likewise very important. Un-supported statements or opinions are worth less to the reader who desires to verify your finding. Complete and specific documentation is mandatory. Also, your references should be to primary sources, except in rare unusual situation.
(c)     Quoting should be kept to an absolute minimum.

Course: Management and Organization (5569)                          Semester: Autumn 2010
Level Executive MBA/MPA                                                             Total Marks: 100

Q. 1     Explain the primary influences of distinct individual perceptions, attributions, personalities, needs and sources of motivation?                                                                                                (20)

Q. 2     (a)     How group behavior is different from individual behavior. Explain with the help of examples?         (10)
            (b)     Enlist and explain different stages of group development and how punctuated equilibrium model helps in understanding group behavior?                                                          (10)

Q. 3     Piece-rate salary systems are widely used in Pakistan by different organizations. Do you think replacing fixed salary with piece-rate system is a good idea? Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of both systems.   (20)

Q. 4     A rational decision making model provides a structured and sequenced approach to decision making. Explain each step of rational decision making process and under which circumstances this can be an applicable approach.      (20)

Q. 5     No matter how good the communication system in an organization is, but some barriers can hinder communication process. Explain different types of barriers to effective communication and specify which barrier often disrupts the communication in your organization and how?                                             (20)

Total Marks: 100


1.         This assignment is a research-oriented activity. You are required to develop a term paper and submit to the tutor for evaluation prior to the final examination. The last date of this assignment will be notified separately by our directorate of regional services and the same will be communicated to you directly as well as through approved study centers assigned to you.
2.         You will have to participate in the activity fully, actively and practically to be eligible to sit in the final examination of the course.
3.         For the preparation of this assignment, you should first thoroughly review the conceptual framework of the topic and develop a scholarly material of the same giving references, quotations, and extracts of various scholars and experts. Then visit any business/commercial organization and study the relevant practical aspects there. Combining the theoretical and practical aspects, develop a comprehensive paper consisting of at least 20 to 25 typed pages to be submitted to your tutor:
(a)               Introduction of the topic
(b)              Important sub-topics
(c)               Practical study of the organization with respect to the topic
(d)              Review of theoretical and practical situations merits, de-merits deficiencies or strengths of the organization with respect to the topic under study.
(e)               Conclusions and recommendations
(f)                Annex, if any
4.         Prepare a copy of this assignment and submit to your tutor for your evaluation.
5.         You should prepare the transparencies, charts, or any other illustrative material for effective presentation.
6.         If you fail to present this assignment in the class, then you will not be able to sit in the final examination conducted by AIOU.
7.         A number of topics given below are the general aspects of the course and you are required to select one of the topics according to the last digit of your roll number. For example, if the roll number is N-9337241, you will select topic number 1, and if the roll number is O-3427185 then you will select topic number 5 (the last digit).
0.                   Group composition
1.                   Model of decision making
2.                   Organizational communication
3.                   Bureaucratic vs Matrix structure
4.                   Workforce diversity
5.                   Organizational culture
6.                   Change management
7.                   Intergroup vs intragroup conflict
8.                   Organizational politics
9.                   Impact of globalization on organizations
Outline of Course (5569)

Block-1 Introduction to Management and Organisational Behaviour
1       Defining Management and Organizational Behavior
2       People versus Profits
3       A Changing Workplace
3.1     Globalisation
3.2     Technology
3.3     Mergers and acquisitions
3.4     Workplace diversity
3.5     Organisational structure
3.6     Work-life balance
3.7     The rate of change
3.8     Increased competition
3.9     Increased ethical and social responsibility
4       Evolution in the Role of the Workforce

Block-2 Individual Behaviour
1       Defining Behavior
2       Perception
2.1     Perceptual Distortion
2.2     Attribution
2.3     Why should we understand perception and attribution
3       Personality
3.1     Type A and Type B Personalities
3.2     Personal Conceptions
            4       Motivation
4.1     Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory
4.2     Alderfer's ERG Theory
4.3     McClelland's Trichotomy of Needs or Acquired Needs Theory
4.4     Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory
4.5     Equity Theory
4.6     Expectancy Theory
            5       Diversity
5.1     What Is Diversity and Why is it Important?

Block-3 Groups in Organisations
            1       Introduction to Organization
            2       Introduction to Organizational Groups
            3       Groups Defined and Group Benefits
            4       Types of Groups
4.2     Formal versus Informal Groups

            5       Stages of Group Development
5.1     Forming.
5.2     Storming
5.3     Norming
5.4     Performing
5.5.    Adjourning
            6       The Punctuated Equilibrium Model
            7       Group Roles
7.1     Task Roles
7.2     Maintenance Roles
7.3     Individual Roles
            8       Effective Group Meetings
            9       Difference between Teams versus Groups?
9.1     Commitment from management
9.2     Mutual trust between employees and managers
9.3     Training
9.4     Realistic objectives
9.5     Strong links between strategy and implementation
            10      Group Composition
            11      Groupthink

Block-4 Decision-making in Organisations
            1       Overview of Decision-making in Organisations
            2       Decision-making Defined
            3       Decision-making Environments
3.1     Certainty
3.2     Risk
3.3     Uncertain Environments
4       Types of Decisions
            5       Decision-making Models
5.1     Rational Decision-making
5.2     Bounded Rationality
         5.2.1 Judgmental Heuristics
5.3     Garbage Can Model of Decision-making
            6       How Does Decision-Making Differ Between Individuals And Groups?
6.1     Strengths of Group Decision-Making
6.2     Weaknesses of Group Decision-Making
6.3     Group Decision-making Techniques
            7       How Can We Improve Decision-making and which Problems Should Be Addressed?

Block-5 Communications
1       Introduction to Communication
2       Commitment to Communication
3       Value of Communication
3.1     Communication Defined
3.2     Why is Communication Important?
4       Types of Communication
5       Communication Flows in Organisations
6       Barriers to Communication
6.1     Physical Distraction
6.2     Gender Distinction Barriers
6.3     Cross-Cultural Distinctions
7       How Can We Improve Communication?
7.1     Take Time
7.2     Be Accepting of Others
7.3     Try to Separate the People from the Problems
7.4     Communicate Your Feelings
7.5     Listen Actively
7.6     Be Timely and Specific with Your Feedback

Block-6 Organisational Structure
1       Introduction to Organizational Structure
2       What is Organisational Structure?
3       Division and Coordination of Labour
3.1     Work Specialization
3.2     Centralization and Decentralization
3.3     Departmentation
3.4     Chain of Command
3.5     Span of Control
3.6     Formalization and Standardization
3.7     Cross-functional Liaison
3.7.1 Liaison Roles
3.7.2 Task forces
3.7.3 Integrators
            4       Models of Organisational Structure
4.1     Mechanistic Structure
4.1.2 Bureaucracy
4.1.3 Classical Management Theory
4.1.4 Scientific Management
4.2     Organic Organisational Structures
4.2.1 Matrix Organisations
4.2.2 Network Organisations
4.2.3 Boundaryless Organizations
            5       What Determines Organisational Structure?
5.1     Strategy
5.2     Size
5.3     Technology
5.4     Environment

Block-7 Leadership
1       Introduction to Leadership
2       Defining Leadership
3       Theories of Leadership
3.1     Trait Theory of Leadership
3.2     Behavioural Theories of Leadership
3.3     Situational or Contingency Theories of Leadership
3.3.1 Fiedler’s Leadership Contingency Theory
3.3.2 Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational Theory
4       Transactional versus Transformational Leadership
5       Leadership and Culture
6       Current Leadership Issues
6.1     Emotional Intelligence and Leadership
6.2     Leading from a Distance

Block-8 Organisational Environment
1       Introduction to Organisational Environment
2       Defining Organisational Environment?
3       The Impact of Globalisation on Organisations and Managers
4       Technology and Organisational Design
4.1     Charles Perrow – Routineness
4.1.1 Outputs from Inputs
4.2     James Thompson – Interdependence
4.2.1 Intensive Technology
4.2.2 Mediating Technology
4.2.2 Long-linked Technology
                     4.3     Joan Woodward – Batch Technology
4.4     Advanced Information Technology in Organisations Today
            5       Ethical Behaviour in Organisations
5.1     Utilitarian model
5.2     Moral rights model
5.3     Justice model
5.4     Ethics in Practice

Block-9 Power and Politics
1       Introduction to Power
2       Defining Power
3       Sources of Power
3.1     Reward
3.2     Coercive
3.3     Legitimate
3.4     Expert
3.5     Referent
4       Managing Power
5       Empowerment
6       Organisational Politics
         6.1     Machiavellianism
7       Effective Management in a Political Environment

Block-10 Organisational Culture
1       Introduction to Organizational Structure
2       Defining Organizational Culture
2.2     Visible Level of Culture
2.2.1 Heroes and Heroines
2.2.2 Myths and Stories
2.2.3 Rituals and Ceremonies
2.2.4 Physical Arrangements
2.2.4 Physical Arrangements
2.3     Espoused Values and Basic Assumptions
2.4     Subcultures
            3       Developing a Strong Organizational Culture
3.1     Pros and Cons of Strong Organizational Cultures
         3.1.1 What Are the Disadvantages of a Strong Culture?
            4       Organizational Culture versus National Culture
            5       Is It Possible to Change Organizational Culture?

Block-11 Organisational Change
            1       Introduction to Organisational Change
            2       Theories of Organisational Change
                     2.1     Scope of Change
2.2     Radical change
2.2.1 Restated Mission and Values
2.2.2 Power redistribution
2.2.3 New Structure, Systems and Procedures
2.2.4 New Interaction Patterns
2.2.5 New Senior Management
2.3     Models of Punctuated Equilibrium and Kurt Lewin’s Model of Change
2.3.1 Convergence, Reorientation, and Executive Leadership
2.3.2 Periods of Deep Structure, Equilibrium and Revolution
            3       Why the Resistance to Change?
3.1     Distorted Perception
3.2     Dulled Motivation
3.3     Failed Creative Response
3.4     Political Deadlocks
3.5     Action Disconnects
            4       Strategies for Effecting Successful Change
4.1     Construction of Crises
4.2     Leadership
4.4     Team Dynamics
4.5     Benchmarking
4.6     Culture
4.7     Goal Congruence
            5       Role in Change

Block-12 Conflict and Negotiations
1       Introduction to Conflict
2       Sources of Conflict
2.2     Power and Status
2.3     Culture
2.4     Task Interdependencies
2.5     Ambiguity
2.6     Scarce Resources
3       Types of Conflict
3.1     Interpersonal
3.2     Intergroup
3.3     Intragroup
3.4     Interorganisational
3.5     Functional vs. Dysfunctional Conflict
4       Management of Conflict
4.1     Conflict Antecedents
4.1     Indirect Approaches to Conflict Management
4.1.1 Reduced Interdependencies
4.1.2 Appeals to Common Goals
4.1.3 Hierarchical Referral
4.1.4 Altering Scripts and Myths
4.2     Direct Conflict Management
4.2.1 Avoiding
4.2.2 Accommodating
4.2.3 Competing
4.2.4 Compromise
4.2.5 Collaborating
5       Negotiation
5.1     Distributive Negotiation
5.2     Integrative Negotiation
5.2.1 Separate the People from the Problem
5.2.2 Focus on Interests, not Positions
5.2.3 Invent Options for Mutual Gain
5.2.4 Insist on Using Objective Criteria


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