(Department of Business Administration)
This packet comprises the following material:-
1. Text Book
2. Course Outline
3. Assignment No 1 & 2
4. Assignment forms (2 sets)
Please contact at the address given below if you find any thing missing out of the packet.
Admission & Mailing,
Allama Iqbal Open University
H-8, Islamabad
Course Coordinator
(Commonwealth MBA / MPA Programme)
Course: Database Management (815) Semester: Autumn, 2010
Level: MBA Total Marks: 100
(Units 1–5)
All questions are compulsory and equal marks.
Q.1 Describe all benefits that can be achieved with the database approach, compared to traditional application systems.
Q.2 Explain the role and responsibilities of a database supervisor, database administrator and data entry operator.
Q.3 a) What is the purpose of drawing an E-R Diagram?
b) Draw an E-R diagram for the following situation:
Department of Business Administration, AIOU has a number of students. The attributes of STUDENT include ROLL NO, NAME, and ADDRESS.
The Department offers several courses. Attributes of COURSE include COURSE CODE, COURSE NAME and COURSE UNITS.
Each student may be offered one or more courses, or may not be offered any course in a semester. While a course must be offered to at least one student, and may be offered to several students.
Q.4 What is logical database design? Explain its all four types in detail and support with examples.
Q.5 Differentiate between:
i. Data; information
ii. Database; repository
iii. Candidate key; primary key
iv. Degree; cardinality
v. Functional dependency; transitive dependency
Guidelines for Assignment # 1
The student should look upon the assignments as a test of knowledge, management skills, and communication skills. When you write an assignment answer, you are indicating your knowledge to the teacher.
■ Your level of understanding of the subject;
■ How clearly you think;
■ How well you can reflect on your knowledge & experience;
■ How well you can use your knowledge in solving problems, explaining situations, and describing organizations and management;
■ How professional you are, and how much care and attention you give to what
you do.
you do.
To answer a question effectively, address the question directly, bring important related issues into the discussion, refer to sources and indicate how principles from the course materials apply. The student must also be able to identify important problems and implications arising from the answer.
For citing references, writing bibliographies and formatting the assignment, APA format should be followed.
Prepare you assignment as per the guidelines and it may be re-evaluated by the Quality Assurance Cell, Department of Business Administration at any time.
This assignment is a research-oriented activity. You are required to obtain information from a business/commercial organization and prepare a report of about 1000 words on the topic allotted to you to be submitted to your teacher for evaluation.
You are required to select one of the following topics according to the last digit of your roll number. For example, if your roll number is P-3427180 then you will select issue # 0 (the last digit):-
1. Manual Information systems vs. Computerized Information Systems
2. SQL: A Standard for relational Systems
3. Normalization and its Use in Database Development
4. The Challenges for Effective Database Management
5. Transaction Processing Systems
6. Challenges of Database Administrator
7. Application of Distributed Databases
8. Application of Centralized Databases
9. Dealing with Security and Backup Issues of a Database
0. Application of Decision support systems (DSSs)
The report should follow the following format:
1. Title page
2. Acknowledgements
3. An abstract (one page summary of the paper)
4. Table of contents
5. Introduction to the topic
6. Practical study of the organization with respect to the topic
7. Data collection methods
8. Merits, demerits, deficiencies or strengths of the organization with respect to topic under study
9. Conclusion (one page brief covering important aspects of your report)
10. Recommendations (specific recommendations relevant to issue assigned)
11. Reference (as per APA format)
12. Annexes (if any)
Guidelines for Assignment # 2
■ 1.5 line spacing
■ Use headers and subheads throughout all sections
■ Organization of ideas
■ Writing skills (spelling, grammar, punctuation)
■ Professionalism (readability and general appearance)
■ Do more than repeat the text
■ Express a point of view and defend it.
The workshop presentations provide students opportunity to express their communication skills, knowledge & understanding of concepts learned during practical study assigned in assignment # 2.
You should use transparencies and any other material for effective presentation. The transparencies are not the presentation, but only a tool; the presentation is the combination of the transparencies and your speech. Workshop presentation transparencies should only be in typed format.
The transparencies should follow the following format:
1. Title page
2. An abstract (one page summary of the paper)
3. Introduction to the topic
4. Practical study of the organization with respect to the topic
5. Data collection methods
6. Merits, demerits, deficiencies or strengths of the organization with respect to topic under study
7. Conclusion (one page brief covering important aspects of your report)
8. Recommendations (specific recommendations relevant to issue assigned)
Guidelines for workshop presentation:
■ Make eye contact and react to the audience. Don’t read from the transparencies or from report, and don’t look too much at the transparencies (occasional glances are acceptable to help in recalling the topic to cover).
■ A 15-minute presentation can be practiced several times in advance, so do that until you are confident enough. Some people also use a mirror when rehearsing as a substitute for an audience.
Weightage of theory & practical aspects in assignment # 2 & workshop presentation
Assignment # 2 & workshop presentations are evaluated on the basis of theory & its applicability. The weightage of each aspect would be:
Theory: 60%
Applicability (practical study of the organization): 40%
Prepare your assignment as per the guidelines and it may be re-evaluated by the Quality Assurance Cell, Department of Business Administration at any time.
Course Outline (MBA-815)
Unit 1: Introduction
1.1Purpose of Database Systems
1.2View of Data
1.3Data Models
1.4Database Languages
1.5Overall Systems Structure
1.6Database Administrator
Unit 2: Elements of Database Systems
2.1Transaction Management
2.2Storage management
2.3Communication Management
2.4Database users
2.5Application Software
2.6System Staff and its Role
Unit 3: Data Modeling and Structuring
3.1 Database Design
3.2 Conceptual, internal and External view of Data
3.3 Conceptual Designing Evaluation
3.4 Backend Vs. Fronted
3.5 Designing Tools
3.6 CASE (Computer Aided software Engineering) Tools
3.7 Entities Attributes and Entities Class
3.8 Data Structure: Linked Lists, Inverted Lists, B-tree, Indexes
Unit 4: Database Models
4.1 Hierarchical and network Models
4.2 Relational Database Model
4.3 Distributed Databases
4.4 Multi Database Systems
4.5 Object-oriented Database System
4.6 Developing a Conceptual Schema Set
4.7 Entity Relationship Model
Unit 5: Relational Model
5.1 Structure of Relational Model
5.2 Relational Algebra
5.3 The Tuple Relational Calculus
5.4 Domain Relational Calculus
5.5 Extended Relational Algebra Operations
5.6 Modification of the Database
Unit 6: SQL
6.1 Background
6.2 Basic Structure
6.3 Set Operations
6.4 Aggregate Functions
6.5 Null Values
6.6 Nested Sub-queries
6.7 Data Definition Language (DLL)
6.8 Embedded SQL
Unit 7: Integrity Constraints
7.1 Domain Constraints
7.2 Referential Integrity
7.3 Assertions
7.4 Triggers
7.5 Functional Dependencies
Unit 8: Relational Database Design
8.1Pitfalls of Relational Database Design
8.3Normalization using Functional Dependencies
8.4Normalization using Multi-valued Dependencies
8.5Normalization using Join Dependencies
8.6Domain key Normal form
8.7Alternative Approaches to Databases Design
Unit 9: Special issues in Database Management
9.1 Security and Integrity
9.2 Remote Backup System
9.3 Real Time Transaction System
9.4 Data Warehousing
9.5 The World Wide Web
9.6 Human information processing
9.7 Decision Support System
Modern Database Management (4th Ed) By: Fred R. McFadden, Jeffery A. Hoffer
Database System Concepts (3rd Ed) By: Silberschatz, A; Korth, H.F; Sudarshan
An Introduction to Database Systems By: Date, C.J. Addison-Welsey Publishing Company 1990