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Environment and Forestry (2516)


(Units 1– 5)

Note: All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks.

Q. 1   Write a detailed note on different types of forests found in Pakistan.                 (20)

Q. 2   How would you describe the effects of wood use as fuel and also elaborate its utilization as wood energy in Pakistan?                                                                                                                     (20)

Q. 3   What are those main factors responsible for environmental degradation of the terrestrial environment in Pakistan? Discuss briefly.                                                                                              (20)

Q. 4   How forests protect watersheds and regulate constant river flows in the plains? Also discuss the role of watershed management in the storage and development of water resources.                      (20)

Q. 5   Briefly discuss about the problem, prevention and control of water logging and salinity through forest tree cover.        (20)

(Units 6–9)
Total Marks: 100                                                                              Pass Marks: 40           

Note: All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks.

Q. 1   Define biodiversity. Why we need to conserve biodiversity? Also explain the direct and indirect effects of utilizing trees as noise barriers in maintaining healthy environment.                                        (20)
Q. 2   Why there is an urgent need to sustain an atmospheric ecosystem? Also discuss the major causes of air pollution.      (20)

Q. 3   Being a forester, how would you explain the beneficial effects of home and urban tree plantings along with their aesthetic value?   (20)

Q. 4   What will be happened in case of continuous deforestation? Discuss the role of forestry in an integrated rural development.                                                                                                 (20)

Q. 5   Keeping in view of the basic guidelines; discuss the role of agro forestry in strengthening forestry situation in our country?         (20)

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