(Department of Business Administration)
Commonwealth of Learning Executive MBA/MPA Programme
(a) All written assignment must be well organized, presented in an easy-to-read format, and neat. If your handwriting is not legible, type or compose the written assignment. Moreover, pay particularly close attention to grammar, spelling punctuation and understand-ability. Communication is extremely important in this course.
(b) Documentation is likewise very important. Un-supported statements or opinions are worth less to the reader who desires to verify your finding. Complete and specific documentation is mandatory. Also, your references should be to primary sources, except in rare unusual situation.
(c) Quoting should be kept to an absolute minimum.
Course: Human Resource Management (5563) Semester: Autumn 2010
Level Executive MBA/MPA Total Marks: 100
Q. 1 The emergence of HRM has highlighted the issue of the linkages between the employment relationship and wider organizational strategies and corporate policies. Discuss the significance of Human Resource Management as a Strategic and International function in this regard? (20)
Q. 2 What are the key characteristics of Human Resource Management that distinguish it from personnel management? Explain core functions of HRM in detail? (20)
Q. 3 According to Truss and Gratton (1994) Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) is all about linking of HRM with strategic goals and objectives in order to improve business performance and develop organizational cultures that foster innovation and flexibility. The idea of HRM is based around the notion that people management can be a key source of sustained competitive advantage. What are the skills, abilities, and orientation required for a manager to successfully follow strategic human resource management. (20)
Q. 4 HR planning is the process to provide adequate human resources to achieve future organizational objectives. Elucidate the HR planning practices in your organization? Discuss as to how these differ from the established practices of well-run organizations and what weaknesses you observe in current HR planning process of your organization. (20)
Q. 5 Job analysis is the aspect of employment planning which is concerned with the study of the jobs in an enterprise. What kind of information job analysis provides and how it is carried out. Explain in detail? (20)
Total Marks: 100
1. This assignment is a research-oriented activity. You are required to develop a term paper and submit to the tutor for evaluation prior to the final examination. The last date of this assignment will be notified separately by our directorate of regional services and the same will be communicated to you directly as well as through approved study centers assigned to you.
2. You will have to participate in the activity fully, actively and practically to be eligible to sit in the final examination of the course.
3. For the preparation of this assignment, you should first thoroughly review the conceptual framework of the topic and develop a scholarly material of the same giving references, quotations, and extracts of various scholars and experts. Then visit any business/commercial organization and study the relevant practical aspects there. Combining the theoretical and practical aspects, develop a comprehensive paper consisting of at least 20 to 25 typed pages to be submitted to your tutor.
(a) Introduction of the topic
(b) Important sub-topics
(c) Practical study of the organization with respect to the topic
(d) Review of theoretical and practical situations merits, de-merits deficiencies or strengths of the organization with respect to the topic under study.
(e) Conclusions and recommendations
(f) Annex, if any
4. Prepare a copy of this assignment and submit to your tutor for your evaluation.
5. You should prepare the transparencies, charts, or any other illustrative material for effective presentation.
6. If you fail to present this assignment in the class, then you will not be able to sit in the final examination conducted by AIOU.
7. A number of topics given below are the general aspects of the course and you are required to select one of the topics according to the last digit of your roll number. For example, if the roll number is N-9337241, you will select topic number 1, and if the roll number is O-3427185 then you will select topic number 5 (the last digit).
0. Job analysis and its outcomes
1. Human Resource Planning and Forecasting
2. Recruiting, selecting and orienting employees
3. Training and development
4. Compensation and reward strategy
5. Performance management
6. Career advancement
7. Job definition and role ambiguity
8. Open communication and decentralization
9. Employee safety and health issues in Pakistan.
Course Outline (5563)
Unit–1 Introduction to Human Resource Management
1. Introduction to the Various Functions of Human Resource Management (HRM)
1.1 Key Themes
1.1.1 Human Relation Psychology
1.1.2 Strategic Management Theory
1.1.3 Doctrines of Flexibility and Quality
1.2 Approaches to HRM
1.2.1 Instrumental Approaches
1.2.2 Humanistic Approaches
2. HRM as a Restatement of Existing Personnel Practice
2.1 Scope of Personnel Management
2.2 Personnel and Organizational Effectiveness
3. HRM as a New Managerial Discipline
3.1 Influences on HRM
3.1.1 Organisational Influences
3.1.2 External Environnemental Influences
4. Twenty-seven Points of Difference
5. HRM as an Individually Focused Developmental Model
6. HRM as a Strategic and International Function
7. Assumptions about Human Resource Management
8. Defining Characteristics of HRM
9. Arguments about HRM
Unit-2 A Brief History of HRM and Its Origins
1. Origins of HRM
2. Historical Developments of HRM (An Overview)
3. Antecedents of the HR Function
4. Evolution of the Roles of HRM
5. Changing Perspectives on HRM Jobs
6. The Intellectual Antecedents of HRM
7. HRM: Past, Present and Future
7.1 A Historical Perspective on HRM
7.1.1 Recent trends
7.2 An Environmental Perspective on HRM
7.2.1 Organisations as open system
7.2.2 Buffering strategies as an organizational response
7.3 A Strategic Perspective on HRM
7.4 A Political Perspective on HRM
7.5 An International Perspective on HRM
7.6 An Evaluation Perspective on HRM
8. Role of Personnel Specialists in the Management of HR
9. Contemporary Significance of HRM
Unit-3 Strategic HRM
1. Strategic HRM (An Overview)
2. What Is Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM)?
2.1 Two classical approaches
3. Significance of SHRM?
4. Strategy, Human Resources Management, and Organizational Outcomes
4.1 SHRM Links
4.1.1 Strategy – HRM links
4.1.2 HRM-Outcomes Links
4.1.3 Strategy-HRM-Outcomes
4.2 Implementation of SHRM
4.2.1 Required Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, and Orientation
Unit-4 Human Resources Planning
1. Introduction to HR/Employment Planning
2. An overview of HR Planning
2.1 Definition of key terms in HR Planning
2.2 Reasons for HR Planning
2.2.1 Organisational and Individual Needs for HR Planning
2.3 Responsibility of HR Planning
3. HR Forecasting
3.1 Forecasting Demand for Employees
3.2 Employment Forecasting Techniques
3.2.1 Expert-Estimate Technique
3.2.2 Trend-Projection Technique
3.2.3 Modelling and Multiple-Predictive Techniques
3.2.4 Unit Demand Forecasting Technique
4. Creation of an HR/Staffing Plan
4.1 Internal Considerations
4.1.1 Wastage Analysis
4.1.2 Business Objectives
4.1.3 Markov Models
4.2 External Considerations
4.2.1 State Legislation
4.2.2 Regional Development Schemes
4.2.3 Micro-Level Factors
4.2.4 Analysing Demand and Supply
5. Recent Developments in HR/Staffing Planning
6. The Management of Change
6.1 Demographic Changes
6.2 Flexibility
7. HR Audit, Inventory and Human Asset Accounting
7.1 Staffing Table
7.2 Capability (Skill) Inventories
7.3 Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS)
8. Labour Market Survey
8.1 Definition Labour Market
8.2 Defining and Measuring the Labour Force
8.2.1 Data Sources
8.3 Trends in the Labour Supply
8.3.1 Changes in the Composition of the Population
8.3.2 Subgroup participation Changes
8.4 Labour Force Quality
8.4.1 Level of Education
8.4.2 The Older Employee
8.4.3 Handicapped Workers in the Labour Force
8.5 Part-Time and Full-Time Work
8.6 Trends in Labour Demand
8.7 Implications for Personnel/HR Activities
9. Succession Planning
9.1 Assessment Centres
9.2 Employee Replacement Chart
10. Career Management
10.1 Career Planning
10.1.1 Organisational Component
10.1.2 Individual Component
10.2 Career Development
10.2.1 Concept of Career
10.2.2 The Theories of Career Development
Unit-5 Job Analysis and Job Design
1. An overview of Job Analysis
2. What Is Job Analysis (JA)?
2.1 Definition
2.2 Creating a Job
2.3 How JA Is Carried Out
2.4 Why Conduct JA?
2.5 Major Uses of JA Information
5.5.1 Job Description
5.5.2 Specification
5.5.3 Job Classification and Job Evaluation
5.5.4 Job Design
5.5.5 Performance Appraisal
5.5.6 Bene3fits of JA
2.6 Collecting Job Data
2.6.1 Data Collecting Techniques
2.7 JA methods
2.7.1 Work-Oriented Approaches
2.7.2 Worker-Oriented Approaches
2.7.3 Evaluation of Traditional Methods
2.8 Recent Trends in Job Analysis
3. Job Design
3.1 Job Design Methods
3.1.1 Work Simplification
3.1.2 Job Rotation
3.1.3 Job Enlargement
3.1.4 Job Enrichment
3.2 Perspectives on the Design of Work
3.2.1 Scientific Management and the mechanistic Approach
3.2.2 Job Enrichment as a Motivational Approach
3.2.3 The Next Challenges in Job Design
4. Job Descriptions and Job Specifications
Unit-6 Recruitment, Selection and Orientation of Human Resources
1. Defining Job Search
2. Defining Recruitment
2.1 Recruitment and External Influences
2.2 Interactions of the Applicant/Recruits and the Organisation
2.2.1Organisation's Point of View of Recruiting
2.2.2Potential Employee's View of Recruiting
2.3Who Does the Recruiting?
2.4Sources of Recruits
3. Methods of Recruitment
3.1 Effective Recruiter
3.2An Evaluation of the Recruitment Process Itself
3.3Recruitment in Fluctuating Labour Markets
3.4International Recruitment in Europe, Japan & USA
3.5Recruitment in Multinational Organisations
4. Defining Selection
4.1Definition of Selection
4.2Environmental Circumstances Influencing Selection
4.2.1The Environment of the Organisation
4.2.2Nature of the Labour Market
4.2.3Union Requirements
4.2.4Government Regulations
4.3 Selection Methods
4.3.1Interviews and Interview Skills
4.3.3Group Methods
4.3.6Work Simulation Exercise
4.3.7Repertory Grid Technique
4.3.8Personality Assessment
4.3.9Assessment Centres
4.4 Barriers to Effective Selection
4.4.1Evaluative Standards
4.4.3Perceptual Selectivity
4.4.5Gender Issues
4.4.6The Older Employees
4.4.7Halo Effect
4.5Popularity of Selection Methods
4.6Selection Decision
5. Orientation
5.1 Definition
5.2Purposes of Orientation
5.3Who Orients Employees?
5.4How Orientation Programmes Work
5.5Assignment, Placement, and Orientation Follow-up
5.6Cost/Benefit Analysis of Orientation Programmes
Unit-7 Developing the Human Resource - Learning & Development, Training and Management Development
1 Introduction to Learning
2 Developmental Process (An Overview)
3 Learning & Development
3.1 Defining Learning and Development
3.2Learning about Learning from own Experience
3.3The Need for Learning and Development in the Organisation
3.3.1 The Need for Quality and Flexibility
3.4 The Nature of the Learner
3.4.1Learning and Development throughout Life
3.4.2Barriers to Learning and Development
3.5 The Outcomes and Process of Learning
3.5.1The Outcomes of Learning
3.5.2The Process of Learning
3.6 Development
3.6.1Concept of Development
3.6.2Lifespan Development
3.6.3Career Development
3.6.4Continuing Professional Development
3.6.5Other Forms of Development within Organisations
3.7 The Organisation as a Context for Learning
3.7.1Unrestricted Learning and Development
3.7.2Influences upon Learning and Development in the Organisation
3.7.3Facilitation of Learning and Development in Organisations
4. Training
4.1 Nature and distinction in Training and Development?
4.2Training and HRM
4.3Training and Individual Needs
4.4The Creation of a HRD Plan
4.5Analysing Training Needs
4.5.1 Methods of Training Needs Analysis
4.6 Training Methods
4.6.1 Types of Training
4.7 Responsibility for and Delivery of Training
4.7.1Training Departments
4.7.2Training Consultancies
4.7.3Training and the Line Manager
4.8 Evaluation and Monitoring of Training
4.8.1 Methods of Evaluation
4.9 International Training Trends
4.10 Adaptability and Change in the 21st Century
5. Management Development
5.1 Definition
5.1.1 Management Education and Training Are Not Development
5.2 HRM and Management Development
5.2.1HRM and the Role of Management
5.2.2Some Implications for Management Development
5.3 Organising and Implementing Management Development Programmes
5.3.1Organising Management Development Programmes
5.3.2Implementing Management Development Programmes
5.4 Issues and Controversies in Management Development
5.4.1Organisational Power and Politics
5.4.2The Ethics of Management Development
5.4.3Managerial Competences
5.4.4The Future of Management
5.4.5Evaluating Management Development
Unit-8 Rewarding Employees: Performance Appraisal, Compensation Including Job Evaluation
1 Introduction to Performance Appraisal
2 Basic Concepts of Performance Appraisal
3 The Reasons for, and the Importance of, Performance Appraisal
3.1 Performance Appraisal and Productivity
3.2The Process and the Components of Performance Appraisal
3.2.2The Appraisee
3.2.3Trait Approach
3.2.4Behavioural Approach
3.2.5Results Approach
3.2.6Formal Evaluation
3.3 Methods of Performance Appraisal
3.3.1Written Essays
3.3.2Critical Incidents
3.3.3Graphic Rating Scale (GRS)
3.3.4Behaviourally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS
3.3.5Individual Ranking, Paired Comparison and Group Order Ranking
4. Feedback on Performance
4.1 Feedback Model
4.2Cognitive Evaluation of Feedback
5. Reasons for Malfunction or Failure
5.1 System Design and Operating Problems
5.2Problems with the Appraiser
5.2.1The Halo Effect
5.2.2Standards of Appraisal
5.2.3Central Tendency
5.2.4Recent-behaviour Bias
5.2.5Personal Biases
5.3 Employee Problems with Performance Appraisal
6. Job Evaluation
6.1 Definition
6.2Job Evaluation Methods
6.2.1Job Ranking
6.2.2Factor Comparison
6.2.3Classification or Grading System
6.2.4The Point System
7. Compensation
7.1 Definition
7.2Objectives of Compensation
7.3Compensation Decision Makers
8. Methods of Payment
8.1 Payment for Time Worked
8.2Incentive Plans
8.3Individual Incentives
8.4Group Incentives
8.5Enterprise Incentive Schemes
8.5.1 Suggestion Systems
8.5.2Company Group Incentive Plans
8.5.3Profit Sharing Plans
8.5.4 Stock Ownership Plans
8.6 Executive Compensation
8.6.1Executive Pay
8.6.2Executive Perks
8.6.3 Bonuses
9. Employee Benefits
9.1 Definition
9.2Reasons for using Fringe Benefits
9.3Cafeteria Benefits
9.4Basic Types of Benefit
Unit-9 Grievance Handling
1 Introduction to Grievance Handling
2 Grievance Handling
2.1 Causes of Grievances
2.2Forms of Dissatisfaction
2.3Dissatisfaction, Complaint and Grievance
2.4Effect of Complaints and Grievances on Organisational Effectiveness
3. Types and Causes of Grievances
3.1 Types of Grievances
3.1.1Customs and Practice
3.1.2Rule Violations
3.1.6Substance Abuse
3.2 Causes of Grievances
4. Handling Grievances Formally
4.1Need for a Formal Grievance Handling Procedure
4.2The Benefits of a Grievance Handling Procedure
4.3The Grievance Handling Procedure
4.3.1Objectives of a Grievance Handling Procedure
4.3.2Key Features of a Good Grievance Handling Procedure
4.3.3The Steps in the Grievance Handling Procedure
4.4Redressing of Grievances (ROG)
4.5Grievance in the Public Sector
4.6Grievance in the Non-unionised Enterprise
4.7Reducing Grievances and Improving the Process
Unit-10 Discipline
1 Introduction to Discipline
2 The Concept and Meaning of Discipline
2.1 Introduction
2.3Purpose and Objectives of Disciplinary Action
2.4Grievance versus Discipline
3. A Diagnostic Approach to Discipline
3.1 Categories of Difficult Employees
3.1.1Category 1: The Ineffective Employee
3.1.2Category 2: Alcoholic and Addicted Employee
3.1.3Category 3: Participants In Theft, Crime And Illegal Acts
3.1.4Category 4 : The Rule Violators
3.2 Possible Causes of Difficult Job Behaviour
4. Disciplinary Process
4.1 Elements in a Disciplinary System
4.2Philosophies of or Approaches to Discipline
4.2.1Positive vs Negative Approach
4.2.2The Preventive Approach
4.2.3The Therapeutic Technique
4.2.4The Self Improvement Programme
4.2.5The Punitive Approach
4.3 Disciplinary Methods
4.3.1Guidelines in Administering Discipline
4.3.3Disciplinary Layoff
4.4 Administration of Discipline
4.4.1Formalised Disciplinary Procedures
4.4.2Informal Disciplinary Procedures other Disciplinary Systems
5. Recommendations for Model Organisations on Difficult Employees and Discipline
Unit-10 Employee Safety, Health and Welfare
1 Introduction to Health and Safety Issues
2 Historical Background
3 Evolution of the Concept
4 Factors Important to Health & Safety
5 Nature of Safety and Health Programmes
6 Causes of Work Accidents and Work-Related Illnesses
7 Organisational Responses to Health and Safety Challenges
7.1 Safety Design and Preventive Approaches
7.2Inspection, Reporting and Accident Research
7.3 Safety Training and Motivation Approaches
7.4Auditing Safety Programmes
7.5Organisational Safety Programmes and the Manager
7.6Health Programmes for Employees
8 Occupational Diseases and Accidents
8.1 Typical Diseases
8.1.1 Protection against Diseases
8.2 Accidents
8.2.1Types of Accidents
8.2.2Causes of Accidents
8.2.3Theory of Accidents
8.2.4Cost of Accidents
8.2.5Prevention of Accidents
9 The Development and Evaluation of Safety and Health Programmes
10 Safety Organisation
10.1 Safety Policy
11 Work Stress
11.2Sources and Causes of Stress
11.2.1Environmental Factors
11.2.2Organisational Factors
11.2.3Individual Factors
11.3Consequences of Stress
11.4Executive Stress
11.4.2Burn-Out Stress Syndrome (BOSS)
11.4.3Rust-Out Stress Syndrome (ROSS)
11.5 Remedial Measures against Work Stress
12 Sri Lanka Laws Related to Occupational Health and Safety
12.1Industrial Safety
12.2Workmen's Compensation
13 Health and Wellness Programmes
13.1 Effectiveness
Unit-12 Industrial and Labour Relations
1 Introduction to Industrial & Labour Relations
2 Historical Background of Labor Relations
2.1 Development of Industrial Relations
2.2Objectives of Industrial Relations (IR)
2.2.1Employer to Individual Employee Relationships
2.2.2Labour Management Relations
2.2.3Industrial Peace & Productivity
2.2.4Industrial Democracy
2.2.5Liaison Functions
3 The International Labour Organisation (ILO)
3.1 Scope
4 Labour Legislation
4.1 Types of Legislation
4.1.1Working Conditions
4.1.3Industrial Relations
5 Industrial Disputes/Conflicts
5.1 Nature of Conflicts
5.1.1Conflict Caused by Unions
5.1.2Conflict Caused by Management
5.2Types of Disputes
5.3Causes of Disputes
5.4Resolution of Conflict and Settlement of Disputes
5.4.1Labour Administration
5.4.2Statutory Measures
5.4.3Non-statutory Measures
6 Trade Unionism
6.1 Principles of Trade Unions
6.2Classification of Trade Unions
6.2.1Classification Based on Trade
6.2.2Classification Based on Agreement
6.2.3Classification Based on Membership
6.3Evolution of Trade Unions
6.4The Trade Union as an Organisation
6.4.1 Why Employees Join Unions
6.4.2 Organisation Structure
6.5 problems of Trade Unions
7. Collective Bargaining
7.1 The Concept in;
7.1.2United Kingdom
7.1.3Sri Lanka
7.1.4West Germany & Other European Nations
7.2 The Nature and Scope of Collective Agreements
7.2.1Plant Level
7.2.2Industry Level
7.2.3National Level
7.3The Process of Collective Bargaining
7.4Collective Bargaining and the Right to Strike
7.5Policies for Collective Bargaining and Union Management Relations
7.6Laws of Collective Bargaining in;
7.6.1The USA
7.6.3Sri Lanka
Unit-13 International Human Resources Management (IHRM)
1 Introduction to International Human Resources Management
2 Difference between International and Global Organizations
2.1 The International Organisation and IHRM
2.2How Inter-Country Differences Affect HRM
2.2.1Cultural Factors
2.2.2Economic Factors
2.2.3Labour Cost Factors
2.2.4Industrial Relations Factors
3. Enhancing the Quality of IHRM Practices
3.1 Improving International Assignments through Selection
3.2International Staffing: Sources of Managers
3.4Selecting International Managers
3.5Training and Maintaining International Employees
3.6International Compensation
3.7Performance Appraisal of International Managers
3.8International Labour Relations
Unit-14 Other Emerging Issues
1 Emerging issues in the field of HRM
2 Sexual Harassment
2.1 Concept of Sexual Harassment
2.2Forms of Sexual Harassment
2.3What the Employer Should Do
2.4What the Individual Can Do
3. Discrimination
3.1 A Legal Definition
3.2Equal Employment Opportunities
4. Organisational Development (OD)
4.1Thirteen Major 'Families' of OD Interventions
4.2The Importance of Diagnosis
4.3OD Techniques
5. Managing Change
5.1 Motivating People to Change
5.1.1General Reasons for Resistance
5.1.2Change-Specific Reasons for Resistance
5.1.3General Model for Managing Resistance
5.1.4Specific Approaches to Enlisting Cooperation
5.2 Leading Change
6. Downsizing
6.1 Definition
6.2Approaches to Downsizing
6.3Alternatives to Downsizing
6.3.1Pay Cuts
6.3.2Pay Freezes
6.3.3Reduced Hours
6.3.4Job Sharing
6.3.5Talent Pools
6.3.6Hiring Freezes
6.3.7Outplacement Services
6.3.8Employment Contracts
6.3.9Leaves of Absence
6.3.11Unpaid Time Off
7. Toward an HR Philosophy
7.1 The Need for a Philosophy
7.2Auditing the HR Function