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5565-Marketing Management


(Department of Business Administration)
Commonwealth of Learning Executive MBA/MPA Programme




(a)     All written assignment must be well organized, presented in an easy-to-read format, and neat. If your handwriting is not legible, type or compose the written assignment. Moreover, pay particularly close attention to grammar, spelling punctuation and understandability. Communication is extremely important in this course.
(b)     Documentation is likewise very important. Un-supported statements or opinions are worth less to the reader who desires to verify your finding. Complete and specific documentation is mandatory. Also, your references should be to primary sources, except in rare unusual situation.
(c)     Quoting should be kept to an absolute minimum.

Course: Marketing Management (5565)                                    Semester: Autumn 2010
Level Executive MBA/MPA                                                             Total Marks: 100

Q. 1   Distinguish business marketing from social marketing? How marketing strategies are differently formulated in these two approaches?                                                                                                  (20)


Q. 2   Explain the role of marketing in relation to following sectors:
         (i)      Agriculture Development and Farm Productivity                                       (7)
         (ii)     Industrial and Entrepreneurial Growth                                                      (7)
         (iii)    Export promotion and Tourism                                                                 (6)

Q. 3   How service marketing is different from product marketing? What are the various elements of a marketing strategy required to successfully market a service? Explain in detail.                              (20)

Q. 4   Discuss the components of marketing mix in marketing planning. You can quote the example of any marketing oriented firm operating in Pakistan in support of your answer.                                        (20)

Q. 5   While conducting a research on “Brand Loyalty towards Automobile” what would you select as your population element, sample size, sampling type and instrument and why?                                        (20)


Total Marks: 100


1.      This assignment is a research-oriented activity. You are required to develop a term paper and submit to the tutor for evaluation prior to the final examination. The last date of this assignment will be notified separately by our directorate of regional services and the same will be communicated to you directly as well as through approved study centers assigned to you.
2.      You will have to participate in the activity fully, actively and practically to be eligible to sit in the final examination of the course.
3.      For the preparation of this assignment, you should first thoroughly review the conceptual framework of the topic and develop a scholarly material of the same giving references, quotations, and extracts of various scholars and experts. Then visit any business/commercial organization and study the relevant practical aspects there. Combining the theoretical and practical aspects, develop a comprehensive paper consisting of at least 20 to 25 typed pages to be submitted to your tutor.
(a)         Introduction of the topic
(b)        Important sub-topics
(c)         Practical study of the organization with respect to the topic
(d)        Review of theoretical and practical situations merits, de-merits deficiencies or strengths of the organization with respect to the topic under study.
(e)         Conclusions and recommendations
(f)          Annex, if any
4.            Prepare a copy of this assignment and submit to your tutor for your evaluation.
5.            You should prepare the transparencies, charts, or any other illustrative material for effective presentation.
6.            If you fail to present this assignment in the class, then you will not be able to sit in the final examination conducted by AIOU.
7.            A number of topics given below are the general aspects of the course and you are required to select one of the topics according to the last digit of your roll number. For example, if the roll number is N-9337241, you will select topic number 1, and if the roll number is O-3427185 then you will select topic number 5 (the last digit).
0.             Importance of Marketing Information Systems
1.             New Product Development  offerings
2.             Product Life Cycle and Market Risk
3.             Advertising challenges and cultural impacts on advertising
4.             Global marketing and consumer behavior
5.             Direct and online marketing banking sector
6.             Retailing, wholesaling and market logistics opportunities in Pakistan
7.             Benefits of marketing communication systems
8.             Pharmaceutical products marketing challenges
9.             Domestic and International Marketing Challenges
Outline of Course (5565)

Block-1 Introduction to Marketing
1.1         The Concept of Marketing
1.2         The Significance of Marketing
1.3         The Marketing Strategy
1.4         Market Segmentation
1.5         The Marketing Mix (An Overview)
            Product Planning
            Physical Distribution
Block-2 Marketing in Developing Economy
2.1         Introduction to Economic Development
2.2         Relationship between marketing and economic development
2.3         Marketing at Different Levels of Economic Development
2.4         Relevance of Marketing in a Developing Economy
2.5         Areas of Relevance with Reference to Pakistan
2.6         The Relevance of Social Marketing
2.7         The Role of Marketing in relation to some Selected Sectors

Block-3 Marketing of Services
3.1         The Concept of Service
3.2         Reasons for Growth of the Service Sector
3.3         Characteristics of Services
3.4         Elements of Marketing Mix in Service Marketing
3.4.1          Product
3.4.2          Pricing
3.4.3          Promotion
3.4.4          Distribution
3.4.5          People
3.4.6          Physical Evidence
3.4.7          Process

Block-4 Planning Marketing Mix
4.1         Introduction to marketing mix and marketing planning
4.2         The elements of the marketing mix
4.3         The place of the marketing mix in marketing planning
4.4         The relationship between marketing mix and marketing strategy
4.5         The concept of optimum marketing mix
4.6         Marketing mix-some specific situations

Block-5 Market Segmentation
5.1         Introduction to Segmentation
5.2         The Concept of a Market
5.3         The Concept of Segment
5.4         Market Segmentation versus Product Differentiation
5.5         Benefits and Doubts about Segmentation
5.6         What is grouped in Forming Segment?
5.7         Bases for Segmentation
5.8         How is the basis for Segmentation Selected?
5.9         Selection of Segments

Block-6 Marketing Organization
6.1         Introduction to Marketing Organization
6.2         Principles of Designing and Organisation?
6.3         Significance of Marketing Organisation?
6.4         The Changing Role of Marketing Organisation
6.5         Considerations Involved in Designing the Marketing Organisation
6.6         Methods of Designing the Marketing Organisation
6.7         Organisation of Corporate Marketing

Block-7 Marketing Research and its Application
7.1               Introduction to the Research
7.2               The Context of Marketing Decisions
7.3               Definition of Marketing Research.
7.4               Purpose of Marketing Research.
7.5               Scope of Marketing Research.
7.6               Marketing Research Procedure
7.7               Applications of Marketing Research
7.8               Problems of Conducting Marketing Research in Pakistan

Block-8 Determinants of Consumer Behaviour
8.1         Introduction to Consumer Behavior
8.2         Importance of Consumer Behaviour for Marketers
8.3         Types of Consumers
8.4         Buyer versus User
8.5         A model of Consumer Behaviour
8.6         Factors influencing Consumer Behaviour    Psychological Factors    Personal Factors    Social Factors    Cultural Factors

Block-9 Models of Consumer Behavior
9.1         What is a Decision?
9.2         Levels of Consumer Decisions
9.3         Process of Decision-Making
9.4         Types of Purchase Decision Behaviour
9.5         Stages in the Buyer Decision Process
9.6         Models of Buyer Behaviour

Block-10 Consumer Environment of Pakistan
10.1      Demographic Characteristics
10.2      Income and Consumption Characteristics
10.3      Characteristics of Organisational Consumers
10.4      Geographic Characteristics
10.5      Socio cultural Characteristics

Block-11         Product Decisions and Strategies
11.1      What is a product?
11.2      Types of products
11.3      Marketing Strategy for different types of products
11.4      Product line decision
11.5      Diversification

Block-12         Product Life Cycle and New Product Development
12.1      The Product Life Cycle Concept
12.2      Marketing Mix at Different Stages
12.3      Options in Decline Stage
12.4      Introduction to New Product Development and Management
12.5      New Product Development Process
12.6      Product Modifying process

Block-13 Branding and Packaging Decisions
13.1      Introduction to brand name and trade mark
13.2      Branding decisions
13.3      Advantages and disadvantages of branding
13.4      Selecting a brand name
13.5      Packaging
13.6      Packaging industry
13.7      Functions of packaging
13.8      Legal dimensions of packaging

Block-14         Pricing Policies and Practices
14.1      Introduction to Price
14.2      Determinants of Pricing
14.3      Role of Costs in Pricing
14.4      Pricing Methods
14.5      Objectives of Pricing Policy
14.6      Consumer Psychology and Pricing
14.7      Pricing of Industrial goods
14.8      Pricing over the Life-cycle of the Product
14.9      Nature and Use of Pricing Discounts
14.10  Product Positioning and Price
14.11  Non-price Competition

Block-15         Marketing Communication
15.1      How Communication Works?
15.2      How Communication Influence the Role of Promotion in Marketing?
15.3      The Promotion Mix
15.4      Determining the Promotion Mix
15.5      The Promotion Budget

Block-16         Advertising and Publicity
16.1      How advertising works?
16.2      Types of Advertising
16.3      Role of Advertising
16.4      Advertising Expenditure
16.5      Advertising Management
16.6      Setting Advertising Objectives within the perspective of Pakistan
16.7      Developing Advertising Copy and Message
16.8      Selecting and Scheduling Media
16.9      Measuring Advertising Effectiveness
16.10  Coordinating with Advertising Agency
16.11  The Concept of Publicity

Block-17         Personal Selling and Sales Promotion
17.1      Introduction to Personal Selling
17.2      Role of Personal Selling
17.3      Types of Selling Jobs
17.4      The Selling Process
17.5      Introduction to Sales Promotion
17.6      Sales Promotion Objectives
17.7      Sales Promotion Methods
17.8      Planning Sales Promotion
17.9      Towards Promotional Strategy

Block-18         Sales Forecasting
18.1      What is Sales Forecast?
18.2      How to Prepare Sales Forecast?
18.3      Product Sales Determinants
18.4      Approaches to Sales Forecasting Methods of Forecasting
18.5      Status of Forecasting Methods Usage
18.6      The Evaluation of Forecasts
18.7      Computerized Sales Forecasting
18.8      Relation among, Sales Forecasting and Profit Planning

Block-19         Distribution Strategy
19.1      Importance of Channels of Distribution
19.2      Alternative Channels of Distribution
19.3      Role of Middlemen in Economy
19.4      Selecting an Appropriate Channel
19.5      Physical Distribution Tasks
19.6      Location of Fixed Facilities
19.7      Specific Issues Relating to Maintenance of Stocks

Block-20         Managing Personal Selling
20.1      Introduction to Selling and Sales Management
20.2      Recruitment and selection of Salesman
20.3      Training of Sales Personnel
20.4      Motivating the Sales Personnel
20.5      Controlling the Sales Personnel


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